*UPDATE MAY 2021: We have decided to stop running #playalongsymphony for now.
Let's go enjoy playing IRL!*
Open and free to all, #playalongsymphony was born out of a need for
orchestral musicians to connect and play together.
Wanna know more? Wanna get involved? Click here!
If you can, buy us a coffee: ko-fi.com/playalongsymphony

I'm an amateur/semi-pro/professional, can I join?
When is it?
We meet on Zoom every Friday and press play at 14:00:00 BST
What do I do?
Get in touch with Jessie for the Zoom password (jessiegrimes@gmail.com)
Download your part
Cue up the recording (make sure it's not on shuffle!)
Warm up (optional!)
Log on to the Zoom meeting (on mute, video on)
Press play on the recording at 14:00:00 (we don't share sound, as it reduces the quality and audio experience)
Play along!
How did it start?
Originally devised by Seb Philpott, Jessie has been running #playalongsymphony since July 2020.
It started in lockdown when us musicians were all desperate to play together and keep fit, and we're still going!
How do you pick the repertoire?
Repertoire is chosen via a twitter poll every second Monday on Jessie's Twitter Page. The winner and 2nd place pieces are then played on the following two Fridays. Click here to vote, or below!